Heart-Bridge København

The purpose of Heart-Bridge is to create friendships between Danes and Chinese - and to help Chinese people obtain profound insights about Danish society, people, culture and values



Heart-Bridge is a Chinese-Danish Cultural Association that was originally formed by Chinese Christians in Copenhagen with support from the Danish dialogue organization Areopagos.

A year ago Areopagos also decided to start Heart-Bridge acitivities in Odense, and in 2016 we also started in Aarhus. 

We invite you to meet Chinese and Danes and to get a deeper understanding of people with different cultural backgrounds. Our goal is to create friendships between Danes and Chinese - and to help Chinese people obtain profound insights about Danish society, people, culture, lifestyle and values.

We arrange different activitites during the year - and we really hope that you want to join us!

For instance, as you can see in these pictures, Heart-Bridge Odense had a great day in September where we had a guided tour at Odense City Hall and enjoyed delicious Chinese food together. 


The new programmes for Heart-Bridge Odense and Copenhagen are not yet ready! But please come back for more info later! We will update this site as soon as we have the programmes. 


You can also read more about Heart-Bridge here!


And you can like Heart-Bridge Odense on Facebook!
And also Heart-Bridge Aarhus!



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